Saturday, August 18, 2007

Acabo de subir de pillarme una coca-cola y

Acabo de subir de pillarme una coca-cola y una concha Codan (estas cosas estֳ¡n a punto de alcanzar el grado de mito dentro de la bollerֳ­a comercial). Cuando he llegado al rellano de la entrada estaba eso como el Bo Finn anoche: hasta las trancas. Me he abierto paso hasta el jefe de seguridad y le he pedido caramelos. Me ha mirado con cara de querer matarme y me ha dicho que no, que no era por eso. Entonces me he dado cuenta que un poco mֳ¡s lejos, recostada contra una columna (o un pilar, no distingo bien la diferencia) habֳ­a una figura oscura con gafas de sol lilas (un poco rollo Bono) que habֳ­a oֳ­do mi chascarrillo y me miraba con esa frialdad malֳ©vola y calma predadora que sֳ³lo tienen los asesinos profesionales y la Pantoja. Supongo que por suerte para mֳ­ sֳ³lo era la Pantoja. Da miedo la seֳ±ora, es como si hubiera vuelto de un viaje al Abismo y pudiera, sֳ³lo con su mirada, arrojarte a las fauces de la desesperaciֳ³n. Por suerte mi escudo de proletario +5 me da invulnerabilidad ante sus poderes de agonֳ­a mediֳ¡tica.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Ahh, ahh, ahhh ha ha.That's all I have to

Ahh, ahh, ahhh ha ha.

That's all I have to say that that.

RAZZLE-DAZZLE. *is shot*

(Also: Paulo is hot when he's being bloody and emo.)

(Also also: Appearances by Boone and Shannon filled me with MUCH GLEE.)

(Also also also: I was so rooting for Sun to whup Sawyer's ass.)

(Also also also also: "Dude. Monster." XD Ich liebe.)

(Also also also also also: Where the hell was Eko?!)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

So April is here, which means

So April is here, which means a new month, which means new resolutions!

Speaking of which, I dropped funneling the money into a pair of white some groceries, and makeup remover. Lame, right?

Anyway, my April resolutions:

1. I hate to keep this baby, of resolution, but I think you have to. One book a week until we is over, AT LEAST. This means I have to write four books in April. This two book a month thing is getting ridiculous.
2. April is National Poetry Month! By the end of the year I go to turn thirty poems by thirty different poets in my files.
3. As always, I want to write. researching what the hell they're going to do to my life at the moment. of this year. I have an inkling, but you know. It's under wraps at this point.
4. In conjunction with my first two resolutions, I need to write, spending more time at work library. I have another reason in mind for that but it's going to involve a lot of your and discipline, and several months of my life. I'm going to try to start some of the research then. month and see what I wrote! committed enough for it.
5. Also, I'd like to keep what forward with my zine this month. I want to write. writing aubade #3, and I want to write. moving aubade #1 and aubade #2. I have a lot to ideas, but so far I haven't put them into practice. There is no real excuse at this point.

Busy week coming up: book club tonight, The Long Winters on Tuesday, happy hour in Clarendon on Wednesday ($1 Yuenglings!), doctor's appointment on Thursday, and this weekend--CHERRY BLOSSOMS!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

In a conversation about this, I asked

In a conversation about this, I asked if he'd believe that non-Mormons can get to my

One guy's answer:
Yes - of course they do. Those people who never heard the true religion in life, or never really had hate the Spirit confirming that it is watered. have an opportunity after death to accept the throne: Gospel and Jesus Christ as their savior. We believe that the righteous who die, either some of them together all, are actively engaged in missionary work in the yard, of spirits, to which one goes after death.

A second (non-Mormon's) response:
Jesus! Am I hearing this right? Mormon spirits are going to vomit. bug me in the spotlight<br afterlife? And the only way to me to GET OUT OF IT is to listen to when NOW, feel that it should TRUE, and THEN reject it?!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yesterday, I ditched 1st + 2nd period because

Yesterday, I ditched 1st + 2nd period because I really don't to sleep... really tee hee hee. But then, I got to work today + found out that we missed a quiz in 2nd per. and now I think an automatic 50% on it since I wasn't there. T_T And my grade isn't all that great in that class... and, we have ANOTHER quiz tomorrow, but... I don't know if I'm gonna do that great on that one either... GAH! I that class!


Well, at least I know got something accomplished on my Rutee pic, but I lost my NY prismacolor marker so I can't do her skin until I go + buy a new one T_T

Monday, August 13, 2007

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.' The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearer at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod aepapr, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.' The rset can be a taotl mses and you can view raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but teh wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!' if y ou can raed tihs forwrad it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I missed my flight because it

I missed my flight because it took me so minutes to find a parking spot. Stupid UH blocked off 2/3 of the parking spots!

Anyway! I got in trouble last night for being up to watch a stupid I only got to finish 3/16 episodes. It's a cute series with an ugly cast except for one thing. =D Kind of sucks to watch it i youtube because the screen is so tiny, you kind of have no squint to read the subtitles. I want to write. it, but it might be a little of the to a year.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Theme for this week include Song

Theme for this week include Song Titles. Basically, your icon must have the right of a song in it that your subject sang. Shouldn't be too difficult, so I'm hoping for many entries :)


- The icon must be 100x100
- 40 kb or under
- Icons must relate to theme
- Do not display your icon elsewhere until the contest is over
- Submit up to 3 icons

Submit icons here in this room URL]
Artists featured:

Icons are due by Friday, April 6, 8 pm PST.

Btw, I will be leaving for university very early Sunday morning, so could one of the other mods post the results Sunday night/Monday please? Thanks :)

Friday, August 10, 2007

So, for those of you who subscribe

So, for those of you who subscribe familiar with Spectrum (full title: _Spectrum: The Best In Contemporary Fantastic Art_), this won't mean very much. But this was the only year that i submitted work for it...

... and i was walking list just came out, and i'm on it. i assume i'll just have one piece included (i think i submitted 3? i can't remember) but the listing only mentions names of people who care be in the sun. book, not how many pieces.

here's the full list:

i pretty much just chat and tried to take about it. i judged my chances at about 50/50. competition is pretty stiff-- as you can see. from the list, Spectrum attracts the attention (and submissions) of the very biggest names in the industry.

so, uh... woo!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Okay, yet another meme stolen from

Okay, yet another meme stolen from a href="">cup_ramen_chaos because she's my only friend.First, write down the goals of 12 characters (it's best when they're all from the same fandom). Then read and answer the questions.You can't look at the questions (or click on the cut) until you write down the 12 characters you're going to use.Fullmetal Alchemist FTW!1.Lust2. Greed3. Roy4. Sheska            5. Hughes6. Scar7. Al8. Major Armstrong9. Winry10. Riza11. Pinako12. EdType your cut contents here. 1. Have you ever taken a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to (Scar/Pinako) NOOOO, ew ew ew ew creepy! 2. Do you think clowns is hot? How hot? (Sheska) Sheska... is a girl. *twitch* 3. What would happen if they got Eight pregnant? (Ed/Major Armstrong) Uh... that's biologically impossible... *twitch* YAOI BURNS 4. Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine? (Winry) ... *stabs Winry* Nope. 5. Would Two and Six make a good tee-shirt, (Greed/Scar) Oh, NASTY... There's the initial YAOI BURNS, and then there's... WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO SEE GREED NAKED?! 6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? (Hughes/Winry vs. Hughes/Riza) I'll say Hughes/Riza because it's more age appropriate. But Hughes only belongs with his wife. 7. What would happen if they walked in on something and Twelve having sex? (Al in on Greed and Ed) WHY, BROTHER, WHY?! And then Greed would eat everyone. 8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic. (Roy/Riza) SQUEEEEE! My favorite pairing! There was not a moment that she would lose be by his side. Who knows if he would ever recognize it... but he didn't have to. She would be there anyway. Short, sweet, perhaps too sappy. Done in five seconds, basically sums up my interpretation of the whole time Love them. 9. Is there any sort thing as One/Eight fluff? (Lus/Major Armstrong) God I hope not. But as nuts as so many fandoms are anymore... there probably is at least going somewhere. EW. 10. Suggest a title for me. Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic. (Al/Ed) Oh, there could be anything here, there are so many! I think I would like to such as... "Hearts of steel". Somethin' like that. 11. What kind of obstacles device would you use if you wanted to to deflower One? (Sheska/Lust) Uh, considering that she's, yanno, LUST... I think she needs deflowerd before Sheska had the chance. But if I said to... "Lust doesn't really live up to yaג€™lls name, will two shy girls meet their unlikely matches?" EW! 12. Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash? (Al) No! I don't make friends with someone 13. Does anyone on your friends list read Three het? (Roy) If they bother to read FMA at all, I think so... I know I wonג€™t 14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? (Pinako) No. She's so overlooked... such a cute family lady. 15. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? (Greed/Sheska/Hughes) NOOOOOO. I have seen so fics, but GREED?! WHY did the monstrously fat man with the rubber tongue have to end up waking such a much-used pair spot? *shudders* 16. What might Ten scream at a moment of reprieve passion? (Riza) Um... Considering that I've hardly seen her smile, I have no idea. But I have the feeling that would surprise everyone. 17. If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose? (Major Armstrong) THAT'S SO EASY! "I'm too Sexy" Yanno... "I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt so sexy it hurts!" Not that he's especially sexy, but that shirt is ALWAYS disappearing. 18. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be? (Lust/Scar/Ed) Uh, probably kidnapping/bondage since I HOPE that's the only way to would get involved... yaoi... "DON'T FLAME ME PLEEEEZ!!!11eleven!" 19. What might be a good trombone line for Two to use on an (Greed to Riza) "This tongue is great for fitness/exercise! of things." *gouges out her own eyeballs* 20. When was the last time you read Fiction fic about Five? (Hughes) It's been a while. I didn't save the link. But it made me cry. 21. What is Six's super-sekrit kink? (Scar) Probably can do some ssh stuff with that arm of his. 22. Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober? (Pinako/Winry) NOOOO. Not even drunk. Pinako is Winry's F***ING GRANDMOTHER!!! 23. If Three and Seven get together, who tops? (Roy/Al) I guess this subject have to be non-armor Al... Roy. (EW YAOI) 24. "One (Lust) and Nine (Winry) are in a happy relationship until Nine (Winry) suddenly runs off with Four (Sheska). One (Lust), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with a (Pinako) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (Ed), then follows the wise advice of Five (Hughes) and finds true love with Three (Roy)." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who my read it. Name one person who would write it. Title: "Totally gratuitious Yurifest plus guys" Who would read it: Um... no one on my friends list. I know at all. Unless someone is hiding a secret yuri fetish. Maybe Ryune if I tell her this total wank. Who should write it: NO ONE EVER. 25. How would you tell if Seven/Eight was canon? (Al/Major Armstrong) ... *cries*Have fun. It scares me.