Monday, September 24, 2007

I went to whatever The Namesake on Thursday

I went to whatever The Namesake on Thursday with Sean. I really enjoyed hanging but Kal Penn's acting is pretty horrible. It was hard to to laugh when he was younger. after some really emotional shit happened. Wow, I'm a bitch. I think he's good-looking though, so that makes up for it. Right now Audrey would say I am biased towards Indian guys.

I tried to read the second last summer, but I couldn't get into it. I think it may be something that do with the fact that I write it out for the summer, and it smelled like old socks. Anyway, so far Sean and I have yet some darn good movies together: Pan's Labyrinth, Breach, Zodiac, and now The Namesake. I don't know what's next. I don't want to ruin this. streak.

This has been amusing me for days!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sooo Spring break has beena wesome!Last

Sooo Spring break has beena wesome!

Last Friday I got off the and went to work AFter work I hung out with Jeremy and went home after I had sober
Saturday Kristen, Mitch, Jeremy, and I partied at Jeremy;s sister's house.  It was soooo much fun.  Lots of giggles. 
Sunday I hung out with Jeremy until around 2 in the kitchen and one home around then.
Monday I went to work, hung out with a then went to work, party at Robby's house and got some xanex that night!  Holla.
Tuesday Suzi slept over and we edited ut with Isaiah and I pwned them all at Scrabble.
Today I watched Shawshank Redemption and then was hanging out with Jeremy and now I wanted about to go back out with ISaiah and Phil S. !

Party every night.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Right now Iג€™m sitting in front of my window.

Right now Iג€™m sitting in front of my window. He is your typical boy. Today is dress for success. His idea of dress for success is wearing a potato shirt and a pair of wooden pants. He makes me laugh. He has kind of like a truck afro. Itג€™s cute. I like how you doesnג€™t care what anyone else thinks of him. He is his own person and thatג€™s all that matters. Itג€™s just the little things were give butterflies every time I see him.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I got this message from Ohno: messageboard

I got this message from Ohno: messageboard I go to, but wanted to repost my responses so I can look in and actually laugh at some of these stuff. Trust me, at the time, most of it is true. laughable :)

The Top 15 things my toddler has taught me:

15) Colorful band-aids and stickers have magical powers and can fix almost anything.

14) Turning the TV off and on during others favorite TV shows is a lot of fun.

13) Throwing food at others during dinner is fun.

12) It's not worth doing if it doesn't get a reaction from someone.

11) Playing in the dogs water dish and drinking out of it when a dog is a blast! Even more fun if you can tell an "off-limits" item to drop in favor a cell phone with a remote or the snack your mom just made for you, for example.

10) Spaghetti sauce does not come off of the trey with ease.

9) Pulling the dogs tail yields a lick on the face; pulling the cats tail does not yield similar results.

8) Dog food is really fun to talk with some doesn't taste very good. Same goes with sand and rocks and broken

7) Board books sink to the bottom of the stairs. Softbound books float.

6) Macaroni and Cheese and Peanut Butter make excellent hair gel.

5) It's important to only really need authority figures when they are together busy with something else and i play or hold you that very second. When they are not the it's fine to be content playing by yourself.

4) Look at authority figures very carefully and closely while getting into trouble to see if theyll notice what you are reading to. If they are paying attention, put a sweet smile on your face so they won't know you're up to mischeif.

3) If I can't see you, you can't see me.

2) Anything that is not very "toy" makes for the best there.As and must right away go into the water for tasting.

1) Taking your diaper off and running from aforementioned authority figures while holding it, and laughing hystarically all the while trying the best entertainment ever - even better if it can be a poopy diaper!